Lincoln Pea

Pisum sativum

lincoln pea

67 Days

25 Seeds

Originally introduced in 1908, this heavy yielder produces 4” pods with 5-7 peas per shell. This sweet, tender pea is easy to shell and is heat & wilt tolerant and grows on compact vines 20-28” tall.

Growing Directions

Sow seeds 1” deep, 4” apart in full sun, in early spring, 4 weeks before last frost. Trellis or support for best results. Benefits from compost amended soil.

Amish Snap Pea

Pisum sativum

Amish Snap Pea seeds

60 Days

25 Seeds

Grown by the Amish communities long before sugar snap peas were introduced. This only true heirloom snap pea is sweet, juicy, and packed with flavour that beats out any sugar snap hybrid. An early harvester and prolific producer over a 6 week period if harvested regularly. A crisp “eat it all” pea that will grow vines 5-6’ tall.

Growing Directions

Sow seeds 1” deep, 4” apart in early spring when ground can be easily worked. Harvest the pods at 3″ long before they start to get any patches of dusty grey. Harvest continually when producing for prolonged production. Benefits from good healthy soil. Support with trellis.

Extra Early Pedigree Pea

Pisum sativum

50 Days

25 Seeds

Originally developed by the Kenney Seed Co. in 1893, and then introduced to the public in 1903. These peas are extra sweet when harvested while still young and tender and will produce an abundance of fruits. A uniform bush type, plants will grow to 20-24″ high and only need a little support to keep them off the ground. These peas seldom make it into the house as harvesters can’t resist to shell and eat them on the spot.

Growing Directions

Sow seeds 3/4″ deep in early spring, in full sun, when ground is workable and heavy frosts have past, as peas prefer cooler temperatures. Plants will benefit from adding compost to soil. Support with trellis or bamboo poles to climb to keep peas off ground and for more sun.

Champion of England Pea

Pisum sativum

champion of england peas champion of england pea seeds

65 Days

25 Seeds

Originally from Lincolnshire, England in the 1840’s, this heavy producer grows to 3′ tall and pods can carry 8-10 sweet peas in each. Delicious freshly shelled out of the pod, cooked or frozen.

Growing Directions

Sow seeds 1″ deep and 6″ apart in full sun, 2 weeks before last frost as peas will germinate better in cool soil. Plants will benefit from a string to climb to keep them off the ground for more sun and production.