French Breakfast Radish

Raphanus sativus

French Breakfast Radish seeds

25 Days

40 Seeds

Originally thought to have obtained its name from Parisienne marketers snacking on them with butter and salt while they sold their vegetables at the morning markets around Paris. Publicly released in New York in 1870, this early spring radish, grows an 2-3″ oblong scarlet red root with an ice white tip. Crisp and mild, these radishes can be grown in succession throughout the growing season for multiple harvests.

Growing Directions.

Sow seeds 1/2″ deep, 3″ apart in full sun as soon as the ground can be worked in early spring. Harvest as soon as mature to avoid woody bitter flesh. Water consistently without saturating soil, to promote healthy growth. Benefits from compost amended soil.

Daikon Radish

Raphanus sativus

45 Days

40 Seeds

Originally from the Mediterranean and brought to Asia in the 4th century, where it has been grown since. This long rooted radish has a milder taste than a regular radish and is used for dishes like stews, soups and fresh in salads. Great as a garnish on many dishes when pickled.

Growing Directions

Sow seeds 1/4″ to 1/2″ deep, 4″-6″ apart in spring, in full sun when ground is warm and workable. Daikons like cool spring weather and cool fall weather. Start a second crop in late summer for late fall harvest. Will benefit from a high ph soil. Rotate crops for optimal growth.

​Early Scarlet Globe Radish

Raphanus sativus

 Early Scarlet Globe Radish Early Scarlet Globe Radish seed Early Scarlet Globe Radish seeds

25 Days

40 Seeds

A very popular radish for the last 100 years and is found at many farmers markets. This 1″ globe shaped radish has a deep red skin and crisp white flesh that is tasty and mild. Grows very quickly with small tops and will produce in almost any environment.

Growing Directions

Sow seeds 1/4-1/2″ deep 2-3″ apart in full sun when ground is warm and all chance of frost has past. For continual harvests, sow seeds every couple of weeks.