Tennis Ball Lettuce

Lactuca sativa


55 Days

50 Seeds

This lettuce is documented to have been a favorite of the avid horticulturist and 3rd President, Thomas Jefferson at his home in Monticello, Virginia in the late 1700’s. This true black seeded strain of Butterhead type lettuce, produces 6-8″ heads of delicious, buttery, silky loose leaves that will keep you coming back for more and more. Fantastic for small spaces or container gardening.

Growing Directions

Sow seeds 1/4″ deep, 3″ apart in full sun or partial shade, when ground is warm and all chance of frost has past. Thin to 6-8″ apart. Plants will benefit from a manure or organic compost and continual watering. Harvest small leaves often or wait and harvest whole head. Extreme heat may turn leaves bitter.